By: Key Michel

How many times have you imagined an outfit in your head; for it to turn out the complete opposite from what you imagined. You saw it in your minds eye; you got excited by the vision you created; only for it to not quite hit the mark.

The first step that you should take when you imagine an outfit with the clothes that you currently own; is to lay out your vision in front of you. Lay out what you have; whether it’s on your bed, a clothing rack; anywhere that allows you to pull the vision out of your mind; and into reality.

The next thing you should do is to try everything on. Now if you try it on and the outfit does not exactly look the way you imagined it to; don’t give up on the entire look. This is where people mess up. This is the point when you keep creating; by pulling certain pieces out: and pulling other pieces in; and remain persistent in styling the best look. Your imagination didn’t fail you; if anything it’s leading you to something better.

Instead of going in your closet and selecting an entirely new outfit; work with this outfit because this will subconsciously build your styling skills. If you don’t like accessories that you styled with the lace dress you want to wear; push through this challenge. Don’t abandon the dress; and create a brand new outfit; push through. You didn’t fail because the outfit you imagined didn’t turn out exactly how you imagined it to be; but you do fail when you give up time and time again. Of course there are times when you may be stumped; and you simply can’t think of another way to style the current outfit; but try your best to jump over these hurdle because it will serve you in the long run.

Also, keep in mind that what makes people think they failed in this act; is because their outfits don’t look the best on their body; or the pieces aren’t cohesive. Give yourself grace, shift your mindset and grasp the notion that if the outfit in your imagination didn’t work; it’s because you are being guided to something even better.

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