We all hear it all the time, that if you want to make any dreams or goals come true, that you have to construct a plan, that you have to believe in that plan; and that you have to follow-through with it. Even on those days where you don’t want to; or even on those days when you aren’t seeing the results that you want.
Think about those moments in your life, when you simply did not want to do something; that you knew you had to do in order to reach your dreams or goals. In order to truly unlock your potential.
Perhaps you have a goal of losing weight, and for some reason on this particular day; you don’t want to workout at all. You don’t want to go to gym at all. You start reflecting and you feel like you have been consistent for so long, and that you aren’t seeing the results you want to see. You rather take it easy today, and simply relax.
This is where the test begins.
Are you going to pass the test by pushing yourself to go workout despite not seeing your results yet; or are you going to fail the test and decide not to workout today, because you simply don’t feel like it?
Everyone has passed this type of test before, and everyone has failed this type of test before; but at least when we fail in life we learn.
It can be tough pursuing your dreams and goals when you aren’t seeing the results you want; but this is when the virtue of patience comes into play.
Often times, when we push ourselves to do the things we really don’t want to do; but we know we need to do, we feel a lot better about the situation in the end.
We find that it was worth it to push ourselves. We find that it was worth it to not give up on ourselves; and we find that it is worth it to strive to be the best that we can be.