By: Key Michel

Imagine one of your friends calls you excitedly to let you know that she just got a new job; and she plans on stepping out to in style to a brunch party to celebrate. You start getting excited because you’re extremely happy for your friend; and of course you love a good brunch moment.

You decide to get up from where you’re sitting; and you begin looking through your closet to find an outfit to wear. You have an array of pieces, some you’ve worn all the time, some you haven’t worn at all; but suddenly you have this burning desire to go shopping the next day for an outfit. You start convincing yourself how you don’t want to wear the same items; and how even though you have a closet full of clothing, some items still with tags on them; “how you don’t have anything to wear.” Sound familiar to anyone?

Now of course there are special occasions and timeframes in one’s life when a new outfit is necessary; but it’s vital as a fashion lover to learn how to reinvent the clothes that you already own. You have to renew your mind to conceptualize that you aren’t curating a wardrobe to only wear items once; or to perceive your current clothing as not being good enough. If you get invited out; and you find yourself constantly going out to get a new outfit; you are subconsciously telling yourself that your wardrobe is not good enough.

There are three style habits that you want to grasp to joyfully experiment with the clothes that you own.

Get in the habit of purchasing clothing and accessories that you LOVE.

Not that you think are cute, but that you truly love; and would be grateful to have in your wardrobe. When you love what you own; you will love what you wear

Get in the habit of being excited about creating new outfit formulas.

Instead of your signature blazer and distressed jeans; throw in those leather pants that have been hanging up in your closet for months into the mix.

Get in the habit of always checking your wardrobe first; and challenge yourself to put together an outfit with what you already own.

You will be amazed at the impeccable outfits you create; and the ever-growing style confidence that will progressively develop.

The mission isn’t to deter you from the joys of retail therapy; but to inspire you to believe and trust that your signature wardrobe is already suitable and good enough.

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