Why You Should Invest in A Personal Stylist

Has the thought of getting a personal stylist, ever come to your mind? Do you sometimes wish you had someone to help you style a look for a particular occasion? Or someone to style you whenever you wanted them to? Or needed style support? Think about it: Some of your favorite influencers, celebrities, public figures … Continue Reading

7 Simple Ways to Feel Confident About Your Personal Style.

About two weeks ago. I got the urge to create an Instagram Survey Poll. Where I asked my followers two questions out of curiosity. The first question I asked was: Do you at times feel like you need support finding, or growing your own personal style? 87% of people said yes. And 14% of people … Continue Reading

Must Haves This Winter:…

It is officially Snow Season in Boston! The timeframe where most Bostonians complain about the weather. Until it gets hot again loll. And I’m sure majority of the surrounding east coast cities, can also relate to this feeling. With all the new looks, styles and trends. Winter 2019 is looking like the perfect time, for some new bundled up fashion! Honestly, as a winter baby, my biased opinion is that the winter time, is one of the most daring times for Fashion. In my eyes if you can slay in the winter. You can slay anytime! We all want to be warm. But I can guarantee that no one wants to look like a bundled up mess this winter season! Warmth should always be your goal. But your style shouldn’t be forgotten in the process! Personally, I can’t quite remember when I started to like turtlenecks again. I’m literally struggling … Continue Reading

New Year, Same Style, New Looks!

Happy New Year To You 🎊✨!!! I don’t know about you, but I’m still adjusting to the fact that it is officially 2019. Where did the time go?!!!!! Random Side Note: 90’s & late 80’s babies. Do you all remember when it was about to be the year 2000? I remember Nickelodeon kept talking about … Continue Reading

Be A Fashion Lover, Whose Ahead Of The Trends!

In the fashion world, trends are always coming and going. But it doesn’t change the fact that, when trends are here. A lot of fashion lovers, are ready to pick their favorite styles. And ready to rock their favorite looks for the season. Now, personally when I scroll through my IG timeline. I get tired … Continue Reading

5 Winter Coats, That Will Instantly Make You A Showstopper For The Season!

This past weekend. I decided to do something I had not done in sometime. Go Clubbing in Boston lol. I was honestly getting tired of going out to the same clubs. Seeing the SAME people. And listening to the SAME playlist! But that Saturday in particular, I felt like dancing (outside of my room for … Continue Reading

5 STYLISH looks! To wear for that Thanksgiving meal!

Let’s face it. Thanksgiving can be a Fashion Show! lol. But hey I’m not complaining. Who doesn’t love an excuse to look fly. While eating a delicious meal, or two. Or three! In style ? Personally I love to dress up! I have no idea what I’m wearing this Thanksgiving, but I’m sure I’ll pick … Continue Reading

Only 50 days left in 2018!

The older we all become. The faster time seems to travel by. It can be a scary feeling sometimes ..I’ll admit it. And at times it can feel like you’re running a race against time. Especially if you’re someone that sets a lot of goals for yourself. Perhaps you may have plans to accomplish some … Continue Reading

5 Lessons I’ve learned in my first 3 months of blogging. Now What’s Next?

I’m officially 3 consecutive months into my blog journey! And I’m proud of myself, because we all know achieving consistency, can sometimes be easier said than done. But I believe it’s one of the most important aspect, of goal-setting. And if I want to see growth with my blog, than I have to be consistent. … Continue Reading

Boston Creatives

So far in my blogging journey, this shoot has been my favorite one up to date! It was my first shoot in Roxbury, a heart of Boston that I grew up in, and it was also my final shoot day, with the photographer I collaborated with, Sydney Claire. Definitely a bittersweet moment, but I’m excited for … Continue Reading