New Gems On The Site! | Vintage Store

Check out some of the new gems that are on the Vintage Shop!

5 Eye-catching Poses For The Best Fashion Photography

By: Key Michel Taking pictures is one of the best ways to capture a moment in time; but sometimes people dislike taking pictures because of how they look in them. Many people create these really limiting beliefs about not being photogenic, or about not being someone that can pose well in pictures. After reading this … Continue Reading

Style Guide: 2021 Fall Fashion Essentials

It’s about that time for pumpkin spice, everything nice; and the season where fashion reaches its peak: Fall Fashion. Everyone has their favorite season for fashion and style; but we can certainly all agree that fall is one of the best times for fashion, one of the best times to reinvent your style; and one … Continue Reading

Top 5 Hidden Thrift Secrets, That You Must Know!

What would you do if I told you, there are still some thrift secrets that you have discovered yet? Would you believe me? After years of experience in the field, and working at a well known thrift store franchise, there are certainly a lot of thrift secrets that thrifted both new and seasoned; don’t know … Continue Reading

How To Look Good & Turn Heads On A Budget!

By: Key Michel Looking good and turning heads; doesn’t always need to be an expensive thang. Contrary to popular belief, there are so many ways to look good, stand-out, and turn heads all on a budget! Here are the 5 ways how: 1. Your Energy One misconception people have about looking and turning heads; is … Continue Reading

Can You Really Have It All? Love, Success & The Life Of Your Dreams

How many times have you heard someone say that you can’t have it all? That the success, the love life, or the life of your dreams; is too much to aspire for. That you must pick one out of the bunch to strive for. Who can tell you, with this one precious life; that you … Continue Reading