Vintage Handbag Drop!

New and unique vintage handbags just hit the site! Double tap below; to check out the array of stylish vintage handbags at Key To Fashion!

Is Thrifting Really Better During The Fall and Winter?

By: Key Michel With the seasons changing, more thrifters have been coming online, and stating their opinions about thrifting during the fall and winter; versus thrifting during the spring and summer. A lot of thrifters have very strong opinions, about thrifting being much better in the fall and winter. They view it as a timeframe … Continue Reading

Thrift Stores Thrive During A Recession; But Where Are The Donations?

By: Key Michel Thrift stores have always had a reputation of thriving during the recession. If there was any industry that was recession proof; it was the resale fashion industry. People are already discussing the influx of newbie and seasoned thrifters; that have been shopping during this economic transit. As shoppers have increased; the donation … Continue Reading

Thrift Tips We Don’t Talk About Enough

By: Key Michel As the thrift community continues to grow in popularity and size; new thrifters are actively seeking knowledge to cultivate better thrift skills. There is a common thread of thrift tips that we hear many seasoned thrifters state; such as be patient, have great observational skills; and thrift frequently; and don’t get me … Continue Reading

Check Out The Latest Drop

New Vintage Styles Have Hit The Site! Shop & Slay Today!

The Rise Of Fast Fashion At Thrift Stores

By: Key Michel It’s quite common to casually scroll on your social media feed; and stumble upon fast fashion hauls filled with all the latest seasonal trends and styles. Fashion hauls allow creators to showcase their recent purchases; while simultaneously influencing the buying behavior of their viewers. In today’s generation, social media has a powerful … Continue Reading

4 Reasons Why Vintage Handbags Should Be Your New Staple Accessory 

By: Key Michel Vintage Handbags are a timeless and signature style staple; and the essential hidden touch to any outfit. These handbags add character to your outfit; while complementing anyone’s personal style. They bring out the best of your outfit choices; without overpowering it. They are an investment that is made to last; while supporting … Continue Reading

New Vintage Accessories

Check out the latest drop!