Hey! What’s up!

I hope your first weekend of 2019, was relaxing or productive!

We are now officially one week into the year, and I know like me, you probably have a lot of things you want to accomplish in this upcoming year.

Or maybe you don’t have much of an idea yet. Which is okay, no worries!

I’m confident that this post will support you!

So let’s get to it!

1) Take Time To Reflect On Your 2018

Okay, so I know 2018 is over and done with. So you may not want to take the time to really look back on the year. But I suggest taking a little time, if you haven’t already, to reflect on your 2018. If you wrote goals down for 2018, I suggest looking back on your list of goals. If you didn’t write a list of goals last year, this activity will still work for you.

Think about all you accomplished in 2018. Think about how you grew as a person, and than as a professional in 2018. Think about the positive experiences you had, and the negative ones. How did those experiences support you in becoming a better you?

How can you continue building on becoming a better you in 2019?

If you wrote a list of goals down in 2018, look at the goals you did not accomplish. It’s okay if you didn’t make them, trust the timing of your life. Those goals can now rollover and serve as your 2019 goals.

What goals did you make, but want to continue building on in 2019? Ultimately…

Who do you want to become in 2019?

2) Write Down A Strong, But Concise List Of Goals

So for the past few years, I have been actively goal-setting. And it has definitely been extremely beneficial.

Goal-setting has made me more disciplined, and more confident in my abilities. When you write a goal down, and you hold yourself accountable, and  consistently push yourself to make that goal. The personal growth you receive is MASSIVE.

Previously when I would set goals, I would separate my list into three sections:

1) Personal Goals

2) Professional Goals

3) Adventures/Experiences.

Last year when I did this activity, I had a very long list for each section. But at the time, I did not think much of it. I wrote a long list in 2017, and made all my goals, so it made me think in 2018, my list should be longer than before!

But was I wrong.

In 2018, I had a list of 51 goals in total, and I made 34 goals. Not Bad, and definitely an accomplishment. But if I had a shorter list, I would have not only made all my goals.

But I would have built on my goals.

When you have a shorter list of goals, not only do you have a better chance of making them. But you also have a much better chance of mastering those goals as well.

Think about whether some goals need to be accomplished this year, or can you hold them off until the next year? It’s not bad to hold goals off for a later timeframe, it’s actually a smart & strategic thing to do.

Last year, there were times where I felt extremely anxious, because all I was thinking was, “Damn, I still have so many goals to accomplish, and I need to accomplish them all!”

This year, I went from 51 goals, to 11 goals.

What a difference right?

And yes, I still included personal goals, professional goals, and adventure/experience goals. The only difference is, this time around, my list is MUCH shorter.

So take sometime and think about what you want to accomplish this year. And then write them down!

Also, try to make sure each goal is written in detailed. So what I mean by that. I would advise writing down your goal. A really brief vision for each goal. And then the tasks/duties underneath that goal, that you need to do, in order to master it.

I would also recommend writing your goals down in a Google Doc. Or anywhere else you know it can not be lost, and you can always retrieve it.

3) Write Your Goals Down, And Place Them Where You Can See Them Daily

Now you just finished writing your goals down. So it’s time for you to place your goals somewhere where you can see them daily. I mean where you are literally FORCED to look at them, no matter what.

For example, I have a list of my goals, right above my bed. So from the time I get up in the morning, go to the bathroom and come back. That list is the first thing I’m starring at.

For you, this place might be your phone. Your car. Your desk at work. Your computer desk top. Anywhere where you KNOW, you will have absolutely no choice but to see it everyday.

You can even create a vision board, and hang it somewhere where you can see it everyday.

When you are forced to see your goals everyday, it not only encourages you. But it really pushes you to hold yourself accountable. Whether you work on your goals or not, that is on you. Especially when you are seeing your goals everyday.

When you see you goals everyday, it forces you to ask yourself,

How badly do you want them?

Are you going to stare at them on this paper or vision board forever? Or are you going to take the necessary steps to make things happen!

Also, you do not need to write down your detailed list again. It can simply be a short list, or a visual that reminds you of what your goals are!

4) Write Positive Affirmations Around Your Room Connected to Your Goal

As we all know, life is not always dandelions and roses. Some days are going to be harder than others. And thats just the way the cookie crumbles. You aren’t always going to be motivated to pursue your goals, every single day. So this is where your positive affirmations, come into play.

Write down positive affirmations on a blank piece of white paper. If you want to get creative here with the paper, by all means do so!

Write down positive affirmations that you KNOW you need to see. Affirmations that not only will pick you up, when you are down. But they will put things into perspective, and remind you of who you are.

These can be positive affirmations about your life. Your personal growth or you as a person. Embracing your insecurities/weaknesses. Your strengths. Your dreams. Or who you want to become.

My biggest suggestion here, is to write down positive affirmations, that will remind you everyday that you matter.

5) Your Personal Growth List, Should Be Longer Than Your Professional Goal List

However you decide to write your list of goals down is totally up to you. But my only advice here is that your personal goals, should be longer than your professional goals. Think about some of the celebrities, or people in the public eye that you admire, for their art, or for their talents. But as a person, you know those same people have a lot of work to do. I’m sure life experiences plays a factor in that person’s personal disposition, but their lack of personal growth I’m sure plays a huge role as well.

A lot of people have been raised to work hard, find a good paying jobs, and make a lot of money. But we rarely talk about people working on becoming better versions of themselves. We rarely force people to really look into themselves. A lot of people neglect their personal growth, in order to achieve their professional success. Then we wonder why so many people have a hard time, grasping the concept of self-care.

How can you start to care for yourself. If you don’t really take the time to work on yourself?

Like I always say, life is about who we are, and who we are becoming. So ask yourself, how did you grow in 2018? And how do you want to grow in 2019, how will that serve you in becoming the person that you want to become?

Don’t neglect your personal growth, for your professional growth. And then wonder why years later, you love your career, but you don’t really love who you are. Because you didn’t take the time to work on YOU.

In addition, for your personal growth list, it can be for you, but it doesn’t have to be all about you. For example, a personal goal of mines is to Take Better Care Of Myself ( Mind, Body & Soul). And one of the task underneath the goal, is to spend more time with my family.

For me, spending time with my family. Loving them. Supporting them. And making memories with them. Personally supports me in becoming a better me.

6) Include Ways That You Can Have Fun & Try New Experiences

I remember this woman I worked with a few years back, who was an absolute powerhouse! Told me something that I would never forget.

She told me once, about how on the weekends, she would often travel to see family. But how she mostly spend her time performing as a professional Jazz Cabaret Singer. When she shared that with me, I remember I thought it was so amazing that she was a cabaret singer, but it was also slightly shocking as well. Perhaps it was because I knew her as the head of the Dean of Students Department, at the High School I was working at. And she was such this strict powerhouse!

I not only showed her I was shocked with my body language, but also with my language.

After realizing how shocked I was. She stated, ” Listen Key, I’m not living to work. I’m working to Live”

And that quote has stuck with me ever since.

With this one precious life that we all have. I do think it’s important to take time for fun experiences, eventful adventures, and for making great memories, with the people that matter the most.

For example, even after all the goals I accomplished this year. The part of my list that was the most neglected was my adventures/experiences column. I think it partially had to do with my finances, but also my long ass list of goals! I was SO busy trying to grow personally and professionally, that I didn’t focus too much on traveling in 2018.

But this year, is a new year!

And I’m ready for all it has to bring!


I hope I succeeded in adding some value into your day today. Something that you can takeaway, and use to positively impact your life, or your personal being. Because that is always my mission here!

Is goal-setting an activity you have tried in previous years?

How was your experience with it, and if you haven’t tried it before, do you see yourself trying it this year?

Let’s discuss below!


Thanks for stopping by!


Key Michel



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