Thrift Tips We Don’t Talk About Enough

By: Key Michel As the thrift community continues to grow in popularity and size; new thrifters are actively seeking knowledge to cultivate better thrift skills. There is a common thread of thrift tips that we hear many seasoned thrifters state; such as be patient, have great observational skills; and thrift frequently; and don’t get me … Continue Reading

3 Fun Thrift Challenges To Do On Your Next Thrift Trip

By: Key Michel The thrift store is a shopping experience that is filled with pure bliss and excitement. You can always count on thrift challenges to take your thrilling thrift trip to a new creative level. Thrift challenges are so fun; and they always provide you with beneficial skill sets, along with a very intentional … Continue Reading

Clothes, Clothes, Clothes Galore!!!

Ayeeeeeee!! What’s up 💃🏾✨ I hope your week has been productive, and growth-filled! I know the end of year can be TOUGH. It’s when shit gets real. And when you really have to try your HARDEST to end the year strong! So that you can continue 2019 strong 💯 But, I’m not here to chat … Continue Reading